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  • Introducing K-DARTS FESTIVAL


Event Overview
The K-DARTS FESTIVAL is an international electronic darts festival held annually, every July, in South Korea.
The festival, originally known as the “Phoenix Summer Dart Festival," began in 2010, and in 2023, its name was changed to K-DARTS FESTIVAL. The festival’s roots, however, extend back to 2007 as a match between the Japanese national team and Korea. Later, participation was expanded to include players from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. By 2012, it had evolved into one of the world’s largest international dart competitions, with participants from 10 Asian, European, and American countries. In 2023, more than 3,000 players from 14 countries, including Korea, enjoyed two days of events and festivities. The 2024 K-DARTS FESTIVAL is poised to be even more vibrant and exciting this year, with singles, doubles, and team tournaments as well as other events to foster international friendship and camaraderie.
Event Date
July 20th (Sat) ~ July 21th (Sun), 2024
July 20th (Sat), Start at 10am, Attendance Check: 9~10am.
July 21th (Sun), Start at 10am, Attendance Check: 9~10am.
Host & Sponsor
Organizer : KDA (Korea Darts Association)
Host : Phoenixdarts
Sponsers : City of Incheon, Incheon Tourism Organization
Song-do Convensia 3,4 Hall 123, Central-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Republic of Korea
Songdo Convensia Map